Singing Guide: Matt Redman feat. Kim Walker-Smith

Singing Guide: Matt Redman feat. Kim Walker-Smith

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Matt Redman is a prominent Christian worship music artist, known for his emotive songwriting and ability to lead large crowds in worship. One of Matt's most distinct vocal techniques is his ability to belt out songs with strong passion and expression.

  • Focus on your breathing: Matt Redman is known for his vocal power and range, but he also has excellent breath control. Try practicing active and passive breathing, following our Singing Carrots breathing basics article, and practice Farinelli breathing exercise video.
  • Pay attention to your posture: Matt Redman maintains an upright posture when he sings, which helps him breathe more easily and maintain good vocal tone. You can find more detailed information about how posture affects your singing in our Singing Carrots article.
  • Warm up your voice: Before singing, it is essential to warm up your voice. Try the Singing Carrots 3 Minute Warm Up video for starters and learn about how to learn a song effectively.
  • Sing with feeling: One of the strengths of Matt Redman's music is the way he infuses each song with emotion and passion. Practice with Relaxing Breath video from Singing Carrots and keep the emotion at the forefront of your practice.
  • Belting with Twang: Matt Redman's signature belting vocals can be achieved using Twang technique. Use How to Twang Exercise video from Singing Carrots to practice this technique.

If you want to become skilled at singing like Matt Redman, be sure to listen to and study his songs as well. Some of his most popular tracks include "10,000 Reasons," "Blessed Be Your Name," and "The Heart of Worship." Refer to our Singing Carrots Search songs tool to find songs that fit your vocal range and preference.

Remember that everyone's voice is unique, so don't be too hard on yourself if you can't sound exactly like Matt Redman. Keep practicing, studying, and most importantly, keep the focus on expressing the emotion in the lyrics of the song.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.